28 Aug 2023

And Then A Message...

   Ran into the video the other night wot’s below. Now I’ve heard the name Kid Rock before but don’t think I’ve ever tuned-in before.
    Please be aware that if you’re a Timidadian move on; or in polite or young company don your ear thingies as it features the prolific use of that four letter naughty word. Having said that, is it still a naughty word like wot we were taught long ago? Probably not but I’m a tad old fashioned myself.
    Anyhoo, this bejewelled fellow seems to be - not so subtly - doing all he can to get his message across, so let's go Brandon...

But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free...

   With earlier talk of me being old fashioned, with the emphasis being on old, you want to lighten-up a tad? Try this wot I do believe could become my new anthem...

Quote; Dick Cavett.

“Censorship feeds the dirty mind more than the four-letter word itself.”

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