And that would be my brain regards anything to tap out here. This is a result of me not doing anything or going anywhere for a while. All a result of the cost of living and climate crises of course. That’s two crises so should that be criseses?
Okay, not quite right as I’ve been driving my little nest of vipers around for various bits of shopping wot she wanted to do. As well as the driver I wasn’t surprised to discover I was also the wallet for these expeditions.
Regards this cost of living crises, it sure seems to be hitting home now with the roads heaving, parking problems and supermarkets, big name retailers an’ such packed to the tills. And every fast food joint we’ve passed with a drive through queue wrapped ten times round the joints. Tough times for sure then.
Having typed that, various high streets seem to have evermore locked and shuttered small independent retailers and businesses with each passing trip we take.
Finally for now, that new phone? Yes, new yet various bits of software have been downloading ‘fixes’ on an alarmingly regular basis. Hay boys an’ girls in the coding room, try harder and get your stuff one hundred percent right before pouring it out. Get it right or get out? Whoa! Wot an old-fashioned concept.
Quote; ??
“Software undergoes beta testing shortly before it’s released. Beta is Latin for ‘still doesn’t work’.”
I forget whose Rule this is, but it is like sod's law.
By the time all bugs have been removed from a work of software that software will be obsolete.
Nice one and so true.
And my phone has just 'updated' a mess of stuff again.
Strange how people acknowledge that complex software is released needing bug fixes, vehicles are sold needing later recalls, but suggest that a new law is imperfect or government(s) are less than all-seeing and the Great and Good clutch their pearls.
That's a brilliant observation and so very true.
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