17 Feb 2023

And Then, Another Jogger...

   And the memory jogger culprit this time is? A K Haart with his picture of the peddle operated dentists drill. I’m quietly confident in stating this was used when, as a pup, I needed my first filling. I also seem to remember this was preceded with a pain reducing shot to the gum. Or was it a huff an’ puff of giggling gas? Whichever it was I also seem to remember it didn’t work all that well.
   On the plus side, all that daily peddling helped keep dentists reasonably fit.
   While I was back in time something else creeped out of my two megabyte memory and this was aided by the fact that everything on the ‘news’, from earthquakes to murders to missing folk, mentions the use of that social media thingy.
   This reminded of the popular form of social media used when I where but a pup and for so many years onwards from then.
   This entailed the use of a bottle of ink, a dippy-in pen – or, if you were lucky, a fountain pen – a sheet of paper, an envelope and a walk to the post office for a stamp then a one or two week wait for a reply.
   You remember the giant breakthrough back a while with the advent of the Biro so no more spilt ink? Sorry, I stuck with my treasured fountain pen.
   Not quite as slick as the more modern forms of unsociable media that one and all seem to have embraced now. Anyhoo, do/can younger folk actually write anymore?

Quote;  Johnny Carson.

“Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.”


A K Haart said...

Thanks for the link and if your dentist was anything like mine in those far off days, it was giggling gas. Although it's odd because as far as I remember I didn't even smile.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
Yes, I do believe your right. And, for sure for a tooth pulling.
Hadn't needles been invented back then? Damn! We're old...

Scrobs. said...

Early Platignum fountain pens were made to leak everywhere, especially in one's inside pocket, then the school shirt...

The Parker 61 didn't leak, but a fill of ink was so sparse, it lasted several months of school work, and anyway you could hardly read what you'd written!

I still use my Sheaffer for cars, lettres etc., and love it to bits! I did have to sand down the nib when I got it, as the italics weren't clear enough...

Mac said...

So true, I mentioned spilling ink and forgot the leaking pens.
Sheaffer you say? That's what's looking at me as I type.
As for my comment regards younger folk actually writing, well, that was a tad naughty as, sadly, I honestly can't remember the last time I used said pen to write a letter. All tapped out and printed now...

Ripper said...

How true. Though I have had cause to use a pen for form filling at work etc, I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter or bought a stamp. Everything is online now. I still have my grandmother's school pen which was handed down to me. A tubular bit of steel with a (dip) ink nib in one end and a slate pencil in the other. I used to use it a lot as a kid and it still writes beautifully.

Now what year was it, that I last caught a bus...

Mac said...

Yes, sad isn't it.
For the first time since I remember not when, back early last year we got the bus into town and back later. Man! It aint a cheep ride no more but, apart from that, couldn't fault the service.

Judd said...

Cor blimey don't remind me of the bleedin dentist.
Waking up from the gas aged probably 5 with one bod holding me down as the other pulled a tooth, little wonder those of us of a certain age spent our teenage and young adult years avoiding the place and suffered tooth problems as a result, it wasn't until in my 30's i discovered fangs had changed and a very kind dentist sorted out my hideous teeth by fitting a row of crowns, shall ever be grateful to him...at the time NHS rules meant i could only pay a max amount, probably the only time in my life things worked out my way re paying through the nose.

Pen wise i stuck with fountains for a long time, usually Parker.
For a good few years i've been buying Mitusbishi Uniball Eyefine and Pentel Energel roller ball jobbies.
I think the Mitsis write better and nicer to hold, but the downside is seperate lids, the Pentels are good quality durable retractables and you can buy bulk packs of refills making them economical in use.
I use them for work, yes the company supply ball point pens but are utter junk and make writing a chore to be endured, those Japanese roller pens are a joy to use.

S'funny, almost everything and anything we own made in Japan proves reliable efficient and durable, long ago shifted over to cars built in Japan, wouldn't touch anything else except an equally well made Burnaston built Toyota.

Mac said...

Very true regards avoiding the dentist. Last crown I had cost £200.
What would we do without Japan eh? Went there many times on a car/bulk boat. Great folk, great times. Not sure about now, but back then wives and girlfriends had to walk at least a metre behind their man... Funny old world.