21 Aug 2022

And Then, Just In Case...

   ...you missed the below comment in the comments, that nobody reads, over at Going Postal, I’ve very naughtily copied and pasted it here to offer a smile to anyone who may have missed it over there. And heavens knows we all need a smile right now do we not? Or is that knot? No, a knot would be wot ‘they’ are desperately trying to tie us all into.
   Anyhoo, enough of that so may I apologise to - and thank -
BurntoutAussie very big for brightening my early morning. Cost of living crisis? Read on:
”I'm getting really fed up with people whining about the price of things - £5 for iced tea, £10 for coffee, £4 for a slice of cake, £3 to park the car.
Any more complaining and I'm going to stop inviting people over.”
Keep that smile in place and, as it’s the holiday season, let’s end with a repeat of a fine  old song regards simpler, happier daze so long lost.

Quote;  W. C. Fields.

“Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.”


Ripper said...

The thing that really pees me off is the number of people banging on the door all the time - insurance salesmen, postmen, bible bashers, kids wanting the ball back, double glazing salesmen - well, they can hammer the door down and scream through the letterbox as much as they like, there's no way I'm letting them out.

Mac said...

Good for you, the more of 'em you keep the less will be banging on the outside of my door.
I trust you're doing your bit and also housing a bunch of Ukrankies as well...

Ripper said...

Yep, but to keep their numbers down a bit I'm putting them in with the Russians.

Mac said...

Sounds like a plan.