21 Jul 2022

And Then A Thought...

Possibly, like me, your excitement knows no bounds as I breathlessly follow the competition for leadership of the  so called Conservative Party – thus the country – presently taking place, right? I’m still a firm supporter of Larry the cat...
   Anyhoo, here’s a thought. And a thought it will forever remain.
   A quick Google would suggest the average wage here in the UK is somewhere between twenty six and thirty six thou a year. So here’s an idea:
   Rather than gaining a foothold in politics being seen as a path to wealth via huge salaries and seemingly unlimited expenses, let’s have a fundamental change to ensure those seeking power by promising so much to get there, understand that all politicians, top to bottom, Lords and louts, will be ‘working’ for the average UK wage, sans expenses, and access to any personal wealth they may have, will be blocked while they’re serving the country. Thus we’d all truly be in the same boat and this would surely focus their minds on working to better the life of themselves and thus those that elected them. Us. They’d, I’m sure, view green taxes in a new light, train tracks to nowhere and overseas aid. Anything to lessen the tax burden, right?
   By-the-by, rather than sending ‘aid’ money to various countries, why aren’t we billing those countries for the cost, at a reported million dabs a day and rising, for putting those gimmigrants up in hotels?
   Anyhoo, as a further step, include all in local government and all civil serpents on the average wage thus only those with a true desire to serve and improve their country and its peoples living standards would consider applying.
   The list of those that, in one way or another,  oversee our lives could go on a way could it not? But it might go a long way to ensuring those that seek such posts are doing so for the right reasons rather than viewing it as a nest feathering venture and if their lives are our lives, many minds will be well focused on improving their lot and those actions will obviously improve our lot. And that’s why they chose politics or the public sector; to serve and improve the lot of the people.
   Oh how we laughed at that idea.
   Regards all being in the same boat, below sums up the boat we all be on right now...

Quote;  Oscar Ameringer.

“Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.”

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