26 Jun 2021

And Then, Could Be A Plan...

   Further to the post regards alien abductions, there’s probably a more cunning plan  in play.
   Assuming those up there are a lot brighter than wot I be, thus are well aware of all the stuff on the Interweb regards the problems with the vaccines and some well placed folk even recommending governments should cease puncturing, could this be wot’s going on?
   Going on publicised numbers of folk already punctured, imagine the amount of excrement that’d hit the fan if the government suddenly, on expert advice, stated the roll-out was stopping owing to safety concerns. Man, it’d crash a whole wind turbine field never mind a fan. Damn! Wot to do?
   Hold an emergency meeting and a voice at the back presents his cunning plan. Full foil garments on? Then I’ll begin.
   Periodically keep the fear factor hot by stating a ‘new’ variant of the virus has been discovered and that the present vaccines, although good, seem to have only limited protection from this new variant. 
   Keep progressing with new variants and lower expected protection for the punctured until there’s a sharp increase in ‘co-co deaths’ of those already double punctured, then breathlessly announce the emergence of the Treble Super Clot co-co bug that no known vaccine, taken or not, will protect you from. However, a new ‘workable’ vaccine is in early trial stages but it could be a couple of years before becoming available for human use.
   Job done; all co-co and vaccine related deaths covered by the ‘discovery’ of an unsuspected mutation of co-co, asses covered and the original puncture program, whatever you may believe that to be, dependant on the thickness gauge of your tin foil garments, remains safely hidden. 
   Hard to believe? Possibly, but I’d  humbly suggest a tad more ‘believable’ than alien abductions and, looking at the ‘news’ and the seemingly weekly ‘discovery’ of variants, possibly in progress as I type. 

Quote;  Simon Brass.

“Everybody knows that conspiracy theories are false flags disseminated by agents of the Deep State. They are used to distract the masses from the real events that the Government is concealing from us daily.”


Ripper said...

Whatever - they would do a better job with the old "Look - a squirrel!"


Mac said...

Yup, you're probably right.
A variant of co-co that's understood to have originated in squirrel stew at a gipsy camp? That'd work...