Well, so It’s, like, almost tomorrow and I guess you’re, like me, bursting with excitement waiting to hear wot we’ll be allowed to do and wot we suddenly can’t do. I can understand, and ignore, most of the current ‘regulations’ other than that bubble thingy. I’ve tried it with washing-up liquid but just can’t get into a bubble. I may, of course, be missing something in translation.
Whatever announcements are made tomorrow, one thing I’ll guarantee, you’ll find you’re just a tad less ‘free’, officially, than you even are today.
In other news, I heard this morning, in amongst the fear inducing flue news and Trumpton derangement pieces, that the humble hedgehog is now approaching the endangered species list. And I should have sleepless nights worrying about this because? Strikes me that If those spiky little fellows had figured out, over all the years that cars have been around, how to cross a road, they’d be just fine - probably even be on a pest control list.
Quote; Molly Ivins.
“So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.”
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