22 Sept 2024

And Then I Caught A Bit…

   ...of Angy Ray-gun’s speech to the Lie-boor Party conference upon turning on the televisual receiving appliance and wot’s below instantly popped into my little brain;

   Further to the ongoing brouhaha regards those wot would rule over us and the amount of ‘gifts’ and free stuff they’ve been accepting despite their personal worth and hefty wages and I’m reminded of a post I did a little bit after a while ago regards wages for those up there.
   Let’s pay Members Of Parliament the basic wage wot’s earned by us down here. Do this and only those that seriously wish for changes to improve the lot of the population would consider running for election and once elected would work tirelessly to improve every ones lot in life would they not?

Quote; George Jessel.

“The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.”

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