26 Jan 2024

And Then Wot Next…

   Further to my excitement the other day regards my tax payment and wishing to hang on to a little excitement during these dreary days, wot I wait breathlessly for now is that March budget thingy when it’s rumoured Jerry will sneakily hunt for ways to win a phew votes by letting us look like we're getting to keep a tad more of our money.
   Trust me, wot ever he lets out through that wobbly little, poorly maintained blue door way over there on the right will be taken back - and some - through that large stout always open bright red door on the left.
   A quick glance at the big red door and a hefty rise in council tax springs to mind with a starter of 5 or 10 percent - if we’re lucky. So that'll probably be Jerries wondrous give-away gone plus big time right there. I didn’t even have to think about that one and at my age, not having to think about something is a blessing...
   Wot the hay, let’s dance;

Quote; James Alan Gardner.

“The council is a place where everyone schemes against everyone else, and people talk incessantly about power with a capital ‘Pow’.”


Doonhamer said...

Just look at many financial disasters are heading our way.
A few billion to The Ukraine. A few billion to pay for our support of Sleepy Joe in the Red Sea. A wee bit to pay the Post Office Horizon claimants. A lot more House of Lords claimants, a load of newly imported diversity to be housed, fed, and lawyereds up, decrepit Defence, NHS, Education, transport systems, bankrupt councils, Net Zero,a load more Civil Servants, NHS managers, Admirals (just a guess).
Port Talbot - just another reduction in the number of people who actually make stuff, but are now "working from home".
Goodness knows what interest we are paying for our national debt.
Thank goodness Rishi has a wee bit of family dosh.
The rest of us?

Mac said...

Oh come on! It's not that bad, it's way, way worst than that my friend.
I get the feeling if Vlad the lad does invade, as suggested by the MSM, he could well be greeted quite warmly.

Ripper said...

I'm hoping before Vlad invades and he gets a warm greeting from the UK people - before that - I'm praying that Vlad sends about 10 Kinzhals, Zircons and Iskanders to Davos, when a time collect all of them together at Davos. Especially Boris Johnson holding hands with Tony 'Public Toilet Arse F**ker' Blair and the 'Pig F**ker' Cameron. I want Vlad to make sure he turns Davos into glass. Then, salt the ground. I don't know, but you may get a faint feeling that I don't like those freaks.

I'll tell you now, Vlad is the only adult in the world, and he has changed the whole world for ever. This will happen when The Ukraine doesn't exist. USA, UK, NATO, EU will be gone as we know. I already refer The Ukraine as '404'.

Tom MacDonald resonates with me, about how the world power levers works.



Mac said...

Good to ‘see’ you old friend.
I’m sure there are more people out here that go along with your ideas than the media will ever let on about.
Let’s hope he takes out that WHO bunch as well and all global organisations of that ilk.
Stay well buddy.