6 Aug 2021

And Then, More Light...

   Further to yesterdays post regards The Light, the good Ripper has the lowdown and thus this post is, after a little bit by me first and last, by Ripper. I’m sure you’ll find it interesting.
   Okay me first. I’m quietly confident that you’re, like me, like, totally unsurprised that, as figures for young folk, like, coming forward for their free chemi cocktail seem to be stalling, the ‘news’ is hyper ventilating regards how almost all new hospitalisations with co-co symptoms are, like, spookily, young and un-punctured. Cut to young fellow in bed with a cough. Cut back to a doctor, trendily, and unhygienically, unshaved, to state he’s never seen anything like it and so please go get popped, like, now. Come on, it’s free damn it!
   Okay that’s me; just a choon down bottom the way and it’s a fine tonic for these goofy, scary times we’re living – just – through.
   The paper is distributed by volunteers on social media, who get batches to post through letterboxes in their area, so you'll have to go back to the takeaway for a paper copy. Who knows, the takeaway themselves may be a distributor. But its distributed nationwide, although a bit random.
   It was set up last year I think, by a young guy who runs a shop in Manchester, to bypass things like Facebook fact checkers. And its working well, take a look at this rabid smear hit piece in the gutter rag, the Guardian.

They really are sweating to keep the narrative are they not? Well, you know what they say, the flak is at its worst when you are over the target. If you read the Guardian rubbish closely, you can virtually hear the hair being torn out and the wailing - reeeeee!
Still, to 'level the playing field' here, take a look at these two comments on the Keep Britain Free forum. Here's the link, but I will quote them as well.

          Helen Anderson
  “Oh good lord!! What absolute nonsense. These people need to be prosecuted for spreading dangerous lies and misinformation. I just don’t understand what their agenda is, apart from a political one. Read this:” {Above Guardian Link}   
        Veritas et Libertas
“I trust you speak with tongue in cheek...?
Unless, heaven forbid, you are trolling... maybe a paid up member of the 77 Brigade? No, you must surely be practising sarcasm.”
   The paper's founder is a guy named Darren Smith, who performs under the name of Darren Nesbit. Here he is in a podcast, describing how the paper came to be.

   Look no further than all the people you see in this video (at 25 secs), to see where the paper gets its funding and distribution.

Okay, me again. Wot is this below? Electro Swing? Not really, but it’ll do to cover the dancing I guess. So before you throw something weighty at your TV, give it a play, feel the fun and smile a while. Happy daze. Whoa, remember them?


Quote;  William Cullen Bryant.

“Truth gets well if she is run over by a locomotive, while error dies of lockjaw if she scratches her finger.”


Ripper said...

Darren is most notorious for this song, from 2014, used today at every rally.


ITV central news did exactly what you describe last night - young man of colour (who else - the ethnic minorities have been resisting the jab most), lying in a hospital bed with oxygen mask - explaining how he regrets not getting the jab earlier, and now he's in hospital at death's door.

It was amazing how the deadly virus vacated his body when the camera was there - voice, breathing, movement - all normal. In all, an oscar winning performance.

Mac said...

Yup, good song.
Some time ago I caught, via a comment somewhere, one of they Tick-Tack vids
Which, best I remember was by a ward nurse
in scrubs and muzzle almost crying about the number of young
folk being admitted with co-co who hadn't been punctured and
how they so regretted not getting the chemi cocktail.
Someone did a little digging and it turned out she was a vet.
As the old one goes and becomes evermore important with
every passing day; believe half of what you see and nothing
that you hear.