5 Aug 2021

And Then, A Little Light...

Last evening, I was waiting for our order of crispy beef in sweet chili sauce for me and beef chow mein for her, with a side of Chinese flue-crackers, when I happened to glance at the rack o’ mags available for a look while waiting.
   Usual selection but one tabloid newspaper caught my attention. Something called The Light. Never heard of it but the front page headline, below in blue, came as somewhat of a shock. How can this be I thought. There were also articles about how useless muzzles are and a bit about faulty climate data amongst various other items forbidden to be mentioned by the on-message mainstream. 
   At time of typing, I have not done a download and have no idea where I can pick-up, it’s free, a printed copy and I was too dumb to ask in the take away.    
   Online version below. Yes, there are a few Web-a-Net places for this type of news but wot  set this apart for me is the fact I spotted it in actual newspaper format sitting in a shops magazine rack. By-the-by, in a supermarket this AM and it wasn’t on their newspaper rack. Shocked I was.
  Not sure how long that’ll survive before a mysterious and unexplainable conflagration rips through their headquarters with the authorities reassuring the public there were no suspicious circumstances involved. Here’s the eye catching headline wot’ll take you to the online, downloadable should you wish, edition; looks like it’s monthly.    
”1400 deaths, One million injured from Covid injections.”       
   So there you go; another little light way down at the end of that very dark MSM propaganda tunnel you think?

Quote;  John le Carre.

“In the last 15 or 20 years, I've watched the British press simply go to hell. There seems to be no limit, no depths to which the tabloids won't sink. I don't know who these people are but they're little pigs.”


Ripper said...

The paper is distributed by volunteers on social media, who get batches to post through letterboxes in their area, so you'll have to go back to the takeaway for a paper copy. Who knows, the takeaway themselves may be a distributor. But its distributed nationwide, although a bit random.

It was set up last year I think, by a young guy who runs a shop in Manchester, to bypass things like Facebook fact checkers. And its working well, take a look at this rabid smear hit piece in the gutter rag, the Guardian.


They really are sweating to keep the narrative are they not? Well, you know what they say, the flak is at its worst when you are over the target. If you read the Guardian rubbish closely, you can virtually hear the hair being torn out and the wailing - reeeeee!

Still, to 'level the playing field' here, take a look at these two comments on the Keep Britain Free forum. Here's the link, but I will quote them as well.


"Helen Anderson
Jan 02

Oh good lord!! What absolute nonsense. These people need to be prosecuted for spreading dangerous lies and misinformation. I just don’t understand what their agenda is, apart from a political one. Read this:


"Veritas et Libertas
Jan 02

I trust you speak with tongue in cheek.....?

Unless, heaven forbid, you are trolling...maybe a paid up member of the 77 Brigade? No, you must surely be practising sarcasm.

The paper's founder is a guy named Darren Smith, who performs under the name of Darren Nesbit. Here he is in a podcast, describing how the paper came to be.


Look no further than all the people you see in this video (at 25 secs), to see where the paper gets its funding and distribution.


Mac said...

Thanks for that wealth of info. Front and centre this evening, okay?
I bobbed into the Chinky but they reckoned a customer must've left it. I'll continue my local enquiries.