7 Sept 2020

And Then, Happy...

This early AM whilst sitting on the sofa surfing the TV channels in a futile search for proper news to take me along to pill poppin’ time, I stumbled onto wot I guess passes for news these days. And that was? Well, it seems a lady owner of a hairdressers had put together an advert for more staff. The advert obviously pointed out the expected requirements for doing hair and concluded that applicants should be of a happy disposition.

She submitted the advert to the local Job Centre and got a quick reply from said Job Centre stating that the word ‘happy’ was unacceptable as it discriminated against unhappy folk. Say wot now? Hello? Aren’t there any grownups in charge of anything, anywhere anymore?

Does that signal the end of happy birthday, happy Christmas and happy anniversary; in fact all happy wishes cards just in case the recipient of any such card might be unhappy at time of receipt of said card and become traumatised at the suggestion they’re happy?

Typing’s getting harder by the day is it not? Wot with scary punctuation, shouty capitalisation and now happy hurty words. So much to think of; so little interest. Where the hell are we going with all this? Where the hell is this potty, rutty, nutty road we’re on leading?


In other news, I see there’s been a stabathon in Brum which was, apparently, Covid-1984 induced. Hello? Flue ‘problems’ persuaded some fellow to go all stabby of an evening? Makes a change from government cuts leading to a lack of youth clubs  with ping-pong tables I guess but one wonders wot else will be blamed on this virus in the near future? Am I alone in getting the feeling straws are frantically being clutched at?

Quote;  Rita Mae Brown.

“One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.”

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