12 Jun 2019

And Then Two Plans...

One plan is to save the planet. Sadly, it’s only us here but I’m sure it’ll all workout for the best...

Plan A? At an estimated cost of a mere trillion pounds – and that’s a ‘conservative’ estimate – to eliminate greenhouse gasses from this once green and once pleasant land. Never mind; the instant result will be one hopefully happy autistic sixteen year old. And let’s not forget the ‘Youth Steering Committee’.
For the first time, young people will have the chance to shape our future climate policy through the Youth Steering Group. The Group, set up by DCMS and led by the British Youth Council, will advise Government on priorities for environmental action and give a view on progress to date against existing commitments on climate, waste and recycling, and biodiversity loss. They will start their review in July.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Plan B? Have seventy five year olds pay the TV licence fee for the pleasure of watching cooking and antique programs interspersed with copious numbers of repeats. If they don’t pay do they get locked-up? That’ll work; three free squares a day in the warm, medical assistance as required and free TV. We have a winner.

Interestingly, along with these announcements, we’ve had a handful of those who would rule over us admitting to imbibing in various drugs of naughtiness many years ago.  If these same folk believe that sending one small island back to the stone age, that’s a small island on a minute bit of space debris, hurtling through the vastness of space in close proximity to a blazing star, the output of which cycles from being not so hot, to hot to very hot, is going to ‘change’ anything, then I respectfully suggest they’ve never given up said drug usage. But I repeat myself.

Quote;  William S. Burroughs.

After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say, 'I want to see the manager.'

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