28 Nov 2018

And Then A Movie Idea...

I spotted this wonderful idea for a truly riveting movie last night. I agree with the ‘author’ but must say he needs to get his skates on as I feel sure real world ‘progress’ is rapidly catching up with his politically correct plot and it won’t be any sort of fantasy for too much longer but just a sad, run of the mill, boring real life ‘drama’.

Just look at wot was going on even eight years ago. And how could we forget this lady who’s had her life lit up?  We’ve had the other young lady who’s convinced she’s a cat so that’s old hat, and why bother having a USB port put in when you can just get chipped? On reflection, this plot is possibly past it’s sell-by date already. It’s just life Bill but not as we would care to know it...

Anyhoo, you’ll find the plot outline over the water at The Bill Sticker Alternative. Love it.

Quote;  Rita Rudner.

“I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”


Bill Sticker said...

Chipped? Maybe, but a USB port does give you a faster transfer speed (Around 100MBps in real life) than Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

Mac said...

Bill Sticker,
This is true. At this time. But with the pace of technological progress, the time will come when the chip we’ll all be ‘given’ will be able to stream what we’re obliged to think in real time. Have to stop now - nurse is coming to tuck my free hand back in my jacket - and a very straight jacket it is...