31 Oct 2016

And Then So Far...

...so good regarding the desktop computer problems. Please, before your eyes roll back in boredom, take a look at this excellent post over at Readwald where he sums up what he calls Syriaspeak to perfection. Hay!! Don’t forget to come back here, okay?

Anyhoo, back to the boring bit. I did a couple of things before shutting down the computer a few days ago. Next morning he booted and went straight to work as he should. I ran the info software, as recommended by Ripper in the comments, and the results all looked okay and as they should be so I’m assuming ‘internal’ hardware is good to go. I shut him down and, again this AM, he put on his boots and went straight to work.

Have you spotted my deliberate diagnostic mistake? Yup, I changed two things so now I have to reactivate each in turn to determine which one is the bad boy. That should read, which one MIGHT be the bad boy. It seems, at this time, it’s software verses glued-on hardware time.

I realise some of you will be beside yourselves with excitement but please be patient and I’ll let you know the results in a couple or three days.

Quote;  Mitch Ratcliffe.

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.”

            Margaret Segall.

“Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that.”

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