3 Jul 2016

And Then, Who Pays...

An interesting piece at Head Rambles relating to smoking in unenclosed verses enclosed areas and who owns the air. This observation, if we’re not too careful, has but one logical conclusion.

Going on the present state of affairs in this poor country, I can envisage all businesses and such, primarily shiny shopping shops, soon having to provide ‘safe spaces’ for our new and future generations of snowflakes to retreat to when they spot something they want and want NOW only to become distraught upon finding their credit card is already maxed out. Be fair; it’s not their fault, right?

These stores and similar will obviously realise that this comes at a cost along with the electrickery, free{?} Wi-Fi and other utilities presently covered by their mark-up.

You see where this is going? How long before air becomes classed as a utility? How long before these closed space businesses and such start charging an entrance fee to cover all utilities usage to include the use of their air and the obvious ‘safe’ disposal of the dirty, dirty exhaled air?

Impossible to collect at the door? Okay. They can collect VAT by tacking it onto the price of all goods sold, right? Next? UAUT? Utility and Air Usage Tax added at at a modest five percent. Job done.

We must be careful what we joke about in this day and age.

Quote;  Doug Larson.

“Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three - and paradise is when you have none.”


Grandad said...

You are getting dangerously close to giving them ideas.

Ripper said...

Two words spring to mind - Online. Purchase.

Mac said...

I know, I know but I can’t stop myself. Wait ‘till you see this evenings ‘ideas’ offering...

Mac said...

This is true. However, one day soon Google will know everything about you, including your DNA, and thus be able to flag online retailers when naughty smokey drinky people are making a purchase and they will adjust the price, as subtle punishment for enjoying yourself, accordingly.
Only kidding. That'll never happen...