21 Oct 2015

And Then, A Secure Base….

I see from the news that a slack hand-full of those 'refugees' have just rock-up at one of our secure military bases. How cool is that then?

I was browsing, somewhat aimlessly, round the Guardian site, I know, but it can be fun, and that was where I spotted the 'refugee' thingy. Bob along here and be surprised by the tone of the majority of the comments, given it's the Guardian, and the one on loan below says so much does it not? Thank you Meg Flight.

Meg Flight.
   I glance at the Guardian (and most other outlets) to see: 'working poor surges to 70%', 'Housing shortage locking most out of home ownership', '7/10 doctors to leave struggling NHS if new contract is pushed through', 'Families forced to relocate to find places for school children', 'food bank usage trebles in two years' - then finally, 'why aren't we taking more refugees?'
The lack of awareness here would be laughable if it weren't so damn tragic.

Comments were shut-down there, then they put up another piece on the same subject – I told you it was a fun site – and the comments are just a continuation of the 'Comments Closed' article. That worked well eh?

Quote; Toba Beta.

“News told, rumours heard, truth implied, facts buried.”

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