20 Jun 2012

And Then I Got One….

Remember the big row I had with myself when I wanted to buy a tablet? You do? Do you train spot as well? Never mind – shiny shopping beckoned the other day and I done got one. A small one.

So here's the crack. Further back in time I got me an E-reader. Remember? You got an anorak and a duffel bag as well? Never mind – At the time what I really, really wanted at that time was something with a colour display but, here in the UK anyway, there was nothing available. And tablets? Can't remember. They were either not yet available or just the big ones.

What I got did the business with no problem at all. But. But. Now this is just my personal take on these gadgets, okay? But that e-ink the E-book blokes rave about? Means nothing to me or my old eyes. It's black print on a darkish, dirty grey background with no back lighting.

Then along came a colour E-reader with a bit of tablet stuff beside. After reading up on this bit o' kit I wuzz a tad put off. Long story short – poor tablet – moderate e-reader.

What to do. What I done did was stumble into a tablet wot was only a tad more expensive than the colour book thingy. In fact, including a cover to give it that book feeling, the tablet ended up a tad cheaper, special offers an' all.

But it's not an e-reader. What to do. What I done did was locate a little bit of software, I refuse to call it an app, that enables you to put your e-library onto the tablet and, Roberts your mothers brother, you have a colour E-reader!! With back-light!!

This app. – Damn!! This software lets you use any font wot's installed on the tablet!! A slider for font size!! A slider for background brightness!! Choice of background colour!! Choice of font colour!! Multiple bookmarks!! Read in landscape or portrait!! Result? Me happy!!

The tablet side of things I'm still exploring. There really are thousands of apps – Damn! bits of software available. With just a quick look around what's available, I'm amazed at how much stuff there is that I didn't realize I don't need.

Down-side? Weighs a tad more. Is that a problem for me? No. Unlike the TV adverts, I don't read holding a reader in one handed while floating about in a swimming pool or cycling round the country side. I'm either in a chair or a bed. Can you read in bright sunshine? No idea*, but if I do read in the garden, if summer ever shows up this year, I tend to sit in the shade. Is it hard on the eyes? For me, it's easier on the eyes than squinting at black on dirty grey with no back-light.

So, so far so very, very good. For me.

The tablet? Blackberry Playbook. The app? Damn!! The software? Book Reader For EPUB and Kindle Books by Untangled Development. I'm sure you'll agree, a snappy, easy to remember name for an app. - Damn! bit of software.

*A sunny spell this evening so I gave it a try. A tad reflective, but after playing with the back lighting a little, and once becoming immersed in the book, no problem. In shade, no problem. For me.

Quote; Mary Schmich.

“Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.”

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