25 Mar 2012

And Then, Just A White Wall….

While doing the supermarket side-step today and having completed my purchase of what is passing for the staff of life while my little nest of vipers is far, far away, bread, butter and eggs, on the way out I passed the kiosk from where newspapers and smoking stuff is sold.

Since my last visit this kiosk had changed somewhat.

It used to be a counter with a lady selling person or two standing behind it, and in front of the display of cigars, cigarettes and tobacco products. Now? A lady selling person standing behind the counter and in front of a white 'wall'. That was it. The wall was covered, I mean covered, with huge red warning signs relating to baccy and the oft repeated warning that, no ID, no chance, no sale.

There was quite a queue as it was no longer possible to point at a packet and pay but each customer had to go through the naming of their required brand, big ones or small ones and quantity required. The 'wall' was then opened, the lady selling person then selected the product requested and was informed that this was the wrong product. As the 'wall' had come down, the old tried and tested pointing and paying method could be used.

Now remember this is a newspaper and tobacco kiosk so the queue was predominantly made up of folk requiring tobacco, right? Guess what? Between serving each customer the 'wall' was closed. Ye gods, it's so sad.

You know what? I'll wager it's no harder to hit the street and buy a hand gun and a box of those pointy thingies than it is to buy pack of smokes now.

Quote; Fletcher Knebel.

“smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.”

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