6 Feb 2011

And Then My Flight Didn’t….

Down stairs at eight in the AM, Friday, and as there had been a bit of wind through the night, outside as well, I webbed along and checked the airport for delays.

You can imagine my delight to see there were slight delays noted but not for my evening flight to Amsterdoom. That one had been cancelled. I mean, like, totally cancelled. Having done twenty double takes, or forty single takes, on this item of news - it was as it said - cancelled. One last hope – refresh the page – cancelled.

The only other flight, I was equally delighted to note, was due to lift off in two hours and would entail me having to take a full ablution of the body to including those hard to get at bits, you know, arm-pits an' stuff, packing, driving, finding a slot in the long stay car park and attempting to get my ticket changed - if there were seats to be changed from and to, or to and from.

I didn’t hold out much hope, but what can you do? Give it a go is what you can do.

You know what? I just, and no more than just, done did it. Okay, a long wait in Amsterdam but that's pretty cool in the lounge there.

You know what again? Those kids were on the long haul flight again. With hundreds of their little chums.

There were audible gasps all round, while we taxied to take-off, as a member of the planes catering division welcomed us all to ‘…this flight to Toronto….’

Arrived at the hotel Saturday evening feeling decidedly shabby but did manage a little more password fun while checking in.
"Do I get the Inter-web?" I enquired.
"That you do good Sir. And it's free in your room." said the little Chinese girl.
"Do I need to do anything or is it all automatic?" I further enquired.
"Just type ‘accept’ in the box and, phweee, away you go!"
"That I can do. Just one thing. How many e's in your spelling of 'phweee'?"
"Now I remember. You've been here before haven't you?"
"That I have. You probably recognized that mischievous twinkle in my eyes, right?"
”No, I remember the front of your shirt, like before, stained with in-flight food and lots of red wine. Turbulent was it?”
”No, a cheeky wee Beaujolais.”

Quote; Homer Simpson.

"Oh, so they have the Internet on computers now!”

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