26 Dec 2010

And Then It Was Yet Another Chilly One….

Another couple of days of really severe gullible warming and is it not fascinating to learn, from the experts, how this actually works? It’s so cold because it's getting so warm. You know what? I’m not too sure I can relate to that. But that’s just me.

While feeding the birds I exchanged cheery seasonal greetings with my neighbour. Although this isn't too important, that’s the neighbour on the left. If I’m outside looking at the house. From the front. He’s on the right if I’m inside looking out my window. The front window. He's not the gutter falling down neighbour.

He enquired if we were heading off anywhere on this cold, cold day. My reply was a fervent no, and furthermore, said I, freezing firmament as it was, I wasn't figuring on sallying further forth or farther afield than five feet from the front of the festive fire, other than for the frequent fetching of food.

Having used up all the appropriate 'F' words that fit, it being too freezing to engage in fatuous, frivolous frivolity, I bade him a fond and friendly farewell and, went away....

Back over the icy, wickedly slippery ground I warily wondered, wearily wending my wintery way towards the welcoming warmth. The food fetched for me, by a curious coincidence, was duck.

Quote; Joseph Leonard.

“Never eat anything whose listed contents cover more than one-third of the packaging.”

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