12 May 2024

And Then Privacy…

   I see from the ‘news’ recently that those two folk wot are, according to wot they say, desperately seeking privacy and anonymity, have made the ‘news’ cycle yet again with their visit to Africa. That would be Harry and Mega me, me, me of course.
   As they’re cavorting round the place, playing games and joining in with all the dancing, in privacy of course, it gives me a fine excuse to feature this hypnotic track again. Hope to see those two have a go whilst over there.
  As before, a word of caution; I would strongly suggest you resist the temptation to try this at home unless an experienced member of the medical profession is in the room or garden with you...

  Kind o’ makes Morris Dancing look a tad tame does it not?

Quote; Jerry Seinfeld.

“Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there's no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door.”


Andy5759 said...

When it comes to stamping of feet those fellas(?) dancing in the video are good but I think the big MEEE takes the biscuit. One stamp of her well heeled foot commands the attention of a Prince and a nation of idiots.

Mac said...

Every day, after a glance at the news, my belief that this planet is indeed the nuthouse of a far distant civilisation is strengthened and, sadly, the lunatics have definitely taken over the asylum...