In other ‘news’, as it gets close to the schools reopening, those not scheduled to collapse that is, I see how problematic it is for folk to afford school uniforms or to cook two hots for their tots in this cost of living circus - sorry, crisis. I wish one of our media seekers of truth would ask some of the poor crying
mums they talk to a phew proper questions such as;
Where's daddy; wot does your smartphone cost you a month; how much did that new tat cost; was it cheap getting your lips blown up like bumpers; is it expensive
getting your hair multi-coloured; How big’s the TV you'll be watching this evening; Wot’s the cost of all those channels you can choose from. I'm sure there are more.
I'd suggest that, dependent on the answers, would dictate
the tug factor on many a heart. Some chance as they just let the mums talk to the telly; no questions ever asked...
Coincidentally, today I ran into a spreadsheet somewhere someone had hand drawn wot was almost identical
to the above. Great minds think alike eh? Whoa! Drop ‘great’ and insert ‘normal’, okay?
Same with those poor doctors wot are so poor they’re reduced to laughing and dancing as they demand
more with nary a thought on display as to the fate of so many they promised to care for. Shouldn’t they at least be crying with hunger and need? I’m sure many of those who’re indeed in need of their attention
are doing just that.
Wot a world of self inflicted misery we’re in so let’s have a bit o’ bass. Gurn on doc...
Quote; Doug Larson.
“What some people mistake for the high cost of living is really the cost of living high.”
From observation of other industries (telecommunications) the only effective industrial action is for scads of workers to resign and find jobs elsewhere. The employer then has to increase pay or conditions to attract new workers (or the old workers back).
Going on strike, but not resigning, may 'work' for a while but it won't address any long term issues. Plus it makes the strikers look selfish.
True; en masse of resignation letters would sure concentrate minds.
Equally, these folk are highly educated and I'm sure high paid jobs are out there other than their chosen rout.
How did we used to do it? Leave school, find a job. While doing that job, look for job offering more. Find said job, move on and repeat 'till the job you find is enjoyable{?} and pays as well as could be expected and hope for more pay via working towards promotions.
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