Just a thought; remember human upright back in the stone age? No? Well, it was one of them wot first ‘discovered’ fire. Man! Wot a leap forward that must’ve been
back then. Bu-by raw meat and cold winters.
Then coal was found to burn and a tad later able to produce gas. Next up, natural gas and oil. All blessed to us by mother nature, sorry, no offence intended; parent nature.
Think were we’d be today if some Homo sapiens took offence to fire and roused a rebel No More Fire movement. And won.
Can’t these eco fanatics see that all the stuff they’re frightened of has been
bestowed on us by non-binary nature for us to find and utilise? And there’s bound to be yet more to discover as we move through time.
Move through time you say? For how much longer? Wot will come first? End of the planet
via an internal explosion? Hit by a big stray boulder? The Sun firing off a big one? Or just going to sleep? Or, more likely in the short term, us nuking each other off the face of this little rock?
And the ‘protesters’
are - supposedly - scared of CO2? Please relax and enjoy that wot’s been gifted to us to find and use and enjoy the ride, okay?
Quote; Margaret Atwood.
“It's the end of the world every day, for someone.”
Neil Degrasse Tyson.
“In 5-billion years the Sun will expand & engulf our orbit as the charred ember that was once Earth vaporizes. Have a nice day.”
The homo sapien that invented the wheel was a very clever bloke. But the guy who invented the other three, he was a genius.
An old un and a good un my friend.
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