I’m delighted to say I now fully support that Global Warming thingy. Wot, I here y’all gasp? Well, for the past phew days, here where wot we live, we’ve
only needed the gas fire on a low setting for afternoons and evenings rather than up at half or more. I need no further proof that it’s getting warmer. Oh, sadly, we’ll need to wait a little longer before putting our woolly pullies back in their bags.
I note the ‘news’ is still hyperventilating regards those fires and still managing to avoid any mention of there having been many arrests of folk starting said fires.
Has the sun also been detained? Is that why it’s so damn chilly where wot we be?
One point I do agree with the MSM on although they stated it without the obvious conclusion. Headline; Rhodes is ablaze, sub heading,
temperatures soar to forty-five degrees. Dear media, if something’s on fire, temperatures will go up a tad in that vicinity, right? A hundred percent of scientists agree with this statement... Really, how dumb do they think we are? Pardon? Oh, right.
How’s about a little July Jazz in the background to ease us through the chilly high summer evening.
Quote; Odell Shepherd.
“Fire, water, and government know nothing of mercy.”
It’s been quite mild of late.
Mr Higham,
Mild you say? Brace yourself for a boiling.
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