20 Mar 2023

And Then, Not Long Now...

   I caught the ‘news’ this morning, supplied by the Breathless Broad-costing Comics and was terrified, terrified I tell you, to hear that some scientists had completed their climate research and declared something along the lines that we only have ten to twenty years to save the planet as it’s getting hotter.
   One has to wonder if these are the same scientists wot told us – was ten or twenty years ago? – that we only had ten or twenty years to save the planet. Guess wot, here we be with another ten or twenty years ahead ‘till the next doom laden warnings. Spooky eh?
   Worth a look here.
   Let’s give all that no never mind and be happy for those scientists who, I’m sure, have secured their doom finding funding for a further ten or twenty years, eh?


Quote;  Bob Dylan.

“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”


Anonymous said...

The first scaremongering started in 1969, so they've been bleating on about it for well near 60 bloody years...


Mac said...

And scant to no consideration given to the varying output of that big shiny thingy up there - wot's it called again? Oh, the sun...

Ripper said...

Love the snowman! Consider it stolen.

Mac said...

How very dare you steel a picture I stole. Sorry, loaned...
You may well enjoy tonight's vid post.