9 May 2021

And Then, I Revert...

   As per last nights post, I did that ringtone thingy with PPAP but this morning I reverted to the old one clipped, a long time ago, from this number. Headphones with bass adjusted recommended. Still a great track.


   If you haven’t heard that before – unlikely – I apologise if you awake at three tomorrow morning whistling loudly.
   Just to put PPAP to sleep, out of interest, I searched PPAP on that Tube that used to be for Yours. Try it, you’ll be staggered by the result. One interesting ‘version’ I spotted was a ten hour seamless loop. Say wot now? Ten hours? The only use I can think of for that would be if you were having some sort of spat with a neighbour. Download it, start it playing on full volume early evening and go stay with relatives.
   With luck, you’ll arrive home next day just in time to see your troublesome neighbours securely strapped to stretchers, being loaded into a vanbulance, dribbling and gibbering about apples and pens...  
   In other news, I noticed on TV this AM, lots of politicians, of all political persuasions, eager to put their take on the elections. All started with the well practiced party line of, “Well, err, but...”

Quote;  Ernest Newman.

“A good composer is slowly discovered and a bad composer is slowly found out.”


Ripper said...

The most annoying song of all time was voted as Agadoo, which incidentally also mentions pineapples... is there a pattern forming here I wonder.. Anyway that PPAP beats it hands down.

Da, da, da da da da There's no lyrics - 2Unlimited I think, at least it doesn't go on about pineapples - I wonder what makes pineapples sexually attractive - they must be from Norfolk - sorry I'm rambling.

Anyhoo, if I wanted to put my neighbours in a mental home I'd play this on full volume. I don't think I'd need to loop it.


Here's something that's really loopy, and it has nothing to do with pineapples - having the co-co jab turns you into Magneto!


Mac said...

Agadoo - don't remember that but, sad as I am, I quite like that
SO who tells who wot the news should be?
As for the dame with the magnetic arm... Does she always point North?

Ripper said...

Not sure which way the gal points, but I find her strangely attractive...

Mac said...

Pineapple gal? It's obvious to me which way she's pointing; she's pointing at ME, ME, ME...