13 Feb 2021

And Then, Bullies...

   Below please find a piece regards bullying that you may be able to relate to. Relate to then realise we’re all being mass bullied on an industrial scale right now regards co-co.
   Me? Spot on back at start of school. Strangely, once I’d got it sorted, we went on to be best buddies during early school years and the bully kept his bullying urges to the footy pitch.
PLEASE NOTE: Absolutely no bullying was involved with me coming to the  decision to put this comment up front. Okay? Over to Ripper for another ripping yarn:

   The incident at work instantly reminded me of being a kid in the school playground - you know, where the bully can't get his own way, so he says he's going to get his dad onto you. I had my fair share of bullying in the playground at school, even back then it seemed to me that I was the only one there who believed in live and let live. As the school years progressed I began to study the mindset of bullies, so I can now smell one from miles away.
   My school days were such a misery that I couldn't wait to leave. I got away at 15 years old and went straight into work, and it was there where the sniffing out of bullies became most useful. Shortly after leaving school I came into contact, in the street, with one of those who had made every day at school a misery for me. But this time he overstepped the mark and I flew into a rage and punched him out. To my utter surprise and disgust he quickly got up, ran away and hid in someone's garden. I remember thinking to myself, is this what I suffered all these years for? The cure is THAT simple? That particular incident changed me for the rest of my life. Now, when I see one of these people, its ME who wants the confrontation and I waste no time in letting them know. I really can't stand to see anyone being pushed around by anybody with fake authority, and if you study things like local authorities, the police etc you will find that most have bullying characteristics. We call them jobsworths which is wrong - they are the school bullies, plain and simple.
   So when you get the knock Mac, and they stand on your doorstep and ask why you refused the jab, the best reply is 'None of your business', before slamming the door in their face.

   Following that, I got to thinking – yeah, I know -  we talk of the media engaging in propaganda regards co-co, shouldn’t it also be mentioned that they are actively engaging in bulling? How about that operation we all know so well, the beloved BBC. The Biased Bullying Corruption? Good folk being bullied into paying for the privilege of being bullied... Sadly, it would seem to work.
   Lastly, so not firstly, wot’s the story behind this little snippet below I occasionally trip over as I meander aimlessly round the Wibbly Wobbly Web? Is it fact or foil hattery?
”Government have blocked the Office for National Statistics publishing information regarding side effects, illness and deaths of people following receiving COVID-19 vaccinations.”
   I don’t see nothing in or on our MSM regards this and, for sure, if there was any truth in this, or there were figures worthy of ringing alarm bells being hidden, our investigative seekers of truth in the media would be all over it like a pandemic wouldn’t they? Well? Wouldn’t they? Oh, look! Over there! A squirrel getting the first Jab! Bully for him/her/it...

Quote;  ??

“You never realize how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

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