22 Oct 2020

And Then, It’s Up To You...

...to check-out wot’s below, pulled together by the good Ripper, and draw your own conclusions. Me? I’ve been of the suspicious mind set since this pandem-a-doodad reared up and all those above us, ably aided and abetted by the MSM, started kicking it, relentlessly, into the heads of us folk down here.
   There is evidence emerging that the virus doesn't even exist - before you begin to make me a tinfoil hat, this is based on a study document by the CDC. Basically it goes like this:
   The CDC admit that the virus was 'unavailable', meaning that they could not isolate a complete specimen.
   If they could not isolate a complete specimen they cannot prove its existence. What they did have, was 37 fragments from a possible 30,000 and computer modelled the rest. The 37 fragments could have been from anything like common flu.
   You might get a security warning when you go to the site, due to the site certificate having lapsed. The site is safe. Do read all of this.
   More evidence on the same by Dr. Tom Cowan:
   When did Covid-19 first show up? That would be late 19/early 20 in Wuhan? Well, a test for the detection of Covid-19 was patented in the Netherlands in 2015, then again in the USA in 2017. Do take note of the name of the patent holder.

So there you go; Like it or not, we live in interesting times with an unknown, to us, end.

Quote;  Ismail Haniyeh.

“Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.”


Ripper said...

After all that Mac, a smile for you - okay a rolling belly laugh. Hope it brings as big a smile to your face as your posts have done for me over the years.

Colander lovers and gentlemen, I present a rare, private interview with Boris Johnson...


Mac said...

Thanks for that; it did indeed do as you promised. And thanks for the kind words. And back at ya'; thanks for your support over the years.