8 Oct 2015

And Then, It's Settled….

Nothing else to say other than thanks to Climate Change Dispatch for pointing the way to this little beauty…..


Quote;  Jerome K. Jerome.

“But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand.”


Caratacus said...

It was a tad sunny for a fleeting moment or twain this a.m. and I remarked upon this to a gnarled farmer who was clad in a tight jacket, shapeless twills, leather boots (liberally coated with dubbin) and a shapeless hat. He sucked his hollow tooth, grinned mirthlessly, and said, "Iffen this'n be that there global warmin', they kin throw a couple more tyres on the bonfoire, boy ...". He then chipped out his Player's Navy Cut, placed it carefully behind his left earhole, and then proceeded to shift as much avoirdupois in five minutes as I had in the previous hour. I've been thinking about the various lessons I received for the remainder of the day ...

Mac said...

Love it. I’m saving my old tyres for when it gets yet cooler.
For me the high point was ‘dubbin’!! Man, that word took me flying back in time. Saturday morning - smearing dubbin your boots eh? Is that stuff still available? Wait! Google would suggest it is, indeed, still available. Think I’ll buy a tin for old times sake...

Caratacus said...

Yep - have a pot in the truck for regular refurbishment of the Caratacus rigger boots, particularly useful when we're having one of our summers ...

I was introduced to it by a ghillie on the Isle of Arran more years ago than I care to remember. He wore stout leather walking shoes, woollen socks that looked as though they had been knitted from thistle roots and barbed wire and covered the lot calf high in Dubbin. Splendid fellow ... he also drove an ancient Haflinger; this was in the early 70's when such vehicles were virtually unknown. I preferred a Land Rover - even if I had to plot my route via various garages for when bits fell off :-)

Mac said...

A lovely picture.
Sadly, the propper world got in the way today but tomorrow, Windows willing, I'll put something together relating to your two comments.