With all that’s going on out there, you might not have noticed a bit o’ news wot’s bumped into our lives. And that would be?
Billy at the window is dumping Skype come May.
Now that’s a bit o’ kit I started using back in the day when younger and had a habit of trying anything new relating to ‘puters. Am I right in saying it was
just for messages back then as ‘smart’ phones weren’t a thing.
Time passed, my little nest of vipers ended up over here and liked to keep in touch with her family in a land far, far away. Excuse my memory, but this was costing something
like four pounds a minute until, after a little research I discovered how cheap - four pence a minute? - international calls were using Skype. It’s served us well for many a long year. Yes, I started using it for phone
calls as well.
Wot to do now? With news of the demise of Skype I did an Interweb search on the off-chance there’s some software equivalent to Skype out there now. Result? Ma heed’s spinning with the dizzying
number of bits o’ kit there are out there.
So far, many are disregarded as they require the person called to be running the same bit o’ kit and be online so the search/research continues with, at time of typing,
two I keep going back to. And those would be Yolla and Talk360. But the ‘search’ continues. As, at my age, does spinning head syndrome...
Quote; Steven Spielberg.
“Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful, because we're too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone.”
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