19 Jan 2025

And Then It’s Tax Time Again…

   Well, so, I’ve been absent from this place for a while as my poor old head is mostly in neutral day by day. However, it’s January and that is one of two exciting months marked on my calendar the other being July. Why? Because it’s tax paying time and I’m experiencing mounting excitement as the cut-off day for payment edges ever closer.
   There’s added joy this year as I note that a goodly chunk of wot we are all having taken off us will go to Ed Minibrain and Nut Zero - or at least towards nest lining of those involved with Nut Zero. Gives me such a lovely warm sensation of money well stolen...
   With regards Nut Zero I contemplated the paying of our taxes in the not too distant future. Pay on line? Nope as the Wibbly Wobbly Web is now over as the servers etc. were using too much of that quickly disappearing lekky thus smartphones also weren’t as smart as before. Okay, go to the bank. Oh, it’s now a Turkish barbers and nail bar. Right, post via recorded delivery. Damn! All the post offices have shut. Never going to happen? We’ll see shall we not?

Quote; Herman Wouk.

“Income tax returns are the most imaginative fiction being written today.”


Andy5759 said...

Taxes, I recall my early days in employment when opening my pay packet an older man commented that they'll be taxing the air we breathe one day. That day arrived some time ago. It's about time we dreamt up more bizarre things for them to tax in case they run out of ideas.

Mac said...

If you think of any new, obscure ways they could tax us please keep 'em to yourself, okay?
I'm sure you're familiar with this old poem;

Andy5759 said...

I haven't seen that before, humorous and so true. The site looks interesting, I have bookmarked it, thank you.

Mac said...

Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, so true.