31 Dec 2024

And Then Another One Gone…

   ...so here’s wishing y’all a happy{?} New Year and if you’re partying hearty tonight, try showing off with the dance routine below.
   Word of caution; if you’re in an upstairs apartment could be safer just to show the clip...

  Stay well, stay safe and hope to ‘see’ you at the other end of the year.

Quote; Albert Einstein.

“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.”


Andy5759 said...

I remember seeing that crazy dance before, was it here? Like most new and interesting things I looked for more, hidden among the millions of films on utub there is a wealth of examples of this dance. It's a strange world we live in where so much is foreign to us. We don't need to travel to find it, one or two clicks and it's there in our living rooms. If we wait a while it will be right there in our local parks.

Mac said...

Yup, I posted it a goodly time ago. Sadly{?} it would seem the World is in our laptops.
Local parks? A quick breakout sure would add to the long wait at the supermarket checkout...