12 Oct 2024

And Then Aother Repeat…

   I see an old idea from above has resurfaced. And that would be the idea that kids should run every day to tackle obesity. Now there’s a school near us and, as I’ve typed before, chubby kids are very phew and far between. Mummies on the other hand...
   Anyhoo, it reminded me of yet another old post wot I repeat here. Bear in mind how many schools there are throughout the land and wot the result could be:
It seems there’s this thing being put about that all school kids should run a mile a day owing to them being obese. I have what I believe would be a far better idea and if you live anywhere near a school I do believe you’ll be in favour.
   Sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. On a daily class by class rotor, arm the little treasures with a bag and send them out, rain or shine, collecting litter along the streets neighbouring their school for a couple of hours. Say wot? Give them one of they grabby, picky-up stick thingies? Absolutely not. Make ‘em walk, stop, bend, straighten up, walk, stop, bend...
   This would achieve many important aims. It’d go towards keeping ‘em fit, clean the neighbourhood – hell, most of the litter was dropped by the little treasures in the first place – and thus instil a little civic respect and pride into their iPhone shaped heads.
   As an added plus, council street cleaners could concentrate resources to other, high traffic areas.
   No, it’s not just kids that drop litter but adopt the above idea and as the little dears grow-up and leave school, they will fully understand, respect and automatically obey the simple ‘rule’ of using the many provided trash cans or to take their trash home. JD.

   Let’s finish with an old choon. How to play a double bass...

Quote; Joey Adams.

“If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all.”


Anonymous said...

Elfin Safety will be having an attack of the vapours over that suggestion and Mamas everywhere will be clutching their pearls so hard they'll be unable to voice their indignation at the thought of their orfspring getting soiled coz, y'know, germs!


Mac said...

Anonymous Waif,
So true. I did toy with the idea of the kids wearing disposable gloves but I'm guessing after their allotted pick up time they'd just tear 'em off and throw on the ground. At least that'd be on school grounds...