11 Jul 2024

And Then A Ban Incoming…

   In case you missed it, it’s on the ‘news’ that three ladies have been killed by a guy with a crossbow. Lo and behold, much screeching for a ban on bows but, as tragic as this news is, how many deaths a year by bow are there? Okay, not a lot. How about by suffocation? Quite a phew I’d guess yet pillows and cushions are still readily available. And strangulation? But it’s still legal, at time of typing, to have hands. Best not type about those pointy stabby thingies...
   Anyhoo, the chap’s been caught and shortly, assuming it wasn’t a mental problem, a prison place will be required. But, but the prisons are all full, right? Oh, hang on Keith the Conqueror's going to turf many bad - of varying degrees - folk back onto the streets. That’ll work.
   It’s the old story that’s always glossed over by those wot would rule over us and their tame media. The more folk you let in, the more of absolutely everything will be needed thus may I humbly repeat a challenge I put out there a little bit after a while ago.
So this is a simple illustrative challenge for those that must be obeyed:
   Go off to work{?} one day and leave your front door open and a large ‘Welcome’ sign hanging on your front gate. I’m betting you get a shock upon returning home. Whoa! I opened the door and they came!
   After a couple of days of your open door, all welcome policy, you’ll be surprised to find that using the kitchen and bathroom with the regularity and freedom you once enjoyed will have gone for some strange reason.
   Soon thereafter you may well find yourself having to queue to use your own computer and having to be content with sitting on the floor in your lounge and even having to sleep on the floor in the hall. Eventually, sitting will become a problem and you may well just have enough room to stand at the back. Sadly, the standing room that enables leaning against a wall is all being used; it’s now only stand-up straight space.
   In no time at all, you’ll no longer be able to get your car on the drive as it seems to be in continuous use as a hand car wash station. On the plus side, finding you have to park quite some distance away, the walk enables you to calm down a tad before entering what was once your castle but is now a multi-culti utopia.~
   Your garden? Just a jungle as the last time you tried to do a bit out there, tiptoeing through all kinds of unsavoury looking stuff and strange charcoal cooking thingies, you lost your place in the proper toilet queue and wet yourself.
   Eventually, after becoming a tad disconcerted with the rapid ever upwards trajectory of your electricity, gas and water bills and the dangerous load on some sockets threatening to blow you off the grid, you may well decide you’ve had enough and need to get everyone out and lock the door. However, when you finally come to take that action you’ll be shocked to find it’s too late as that’s when you’ll discover you’ve lost all governance of your own home and you are now in the minority.
   And thus ends my miniature picture of our little bit o’ rock sitting in an angry sea.

Quote; Gore Vidal

“Overcrowding in the cities is producing a collective madness in which irrational violence flourishes because man needs more space in which to be more than the modern city allows.”


Andy5759 said...

You missed out the bit where the guests decide that they've had enough of our presence. Where they decide that our pale visage triggers their memories of our colonial past. Where they decide to do away with us altogether. That time is coming, not yet but it's surely coming. Until that time more guests arrive and at the same time more of the hosts lose their patience. Whichever side kicks off first is up for grabs but I suspect it will be the guests, why else are they here?

A K Haart said...

That's an interesting Gore Vidal quote. I've long thought there is something nutty about cities, especially London. Even MPs can seem quite normal until they end up in London and start saying ridiculous things.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
In London not too long ago. Very unsettling feeling. What we saw was surprisingly clean but the population is definitely becoming less and less native with every visit.

Mac said...

So true.
I'm guessing all these young fellows that are floating into the country and, with the help of our{?} government are being distributed throughout the land, are being secretly armed and just sitting and waiting for the word to kick off and take over. It's not often I'm right and I sure hope I'm wrong again