23 Jun 2024

And Then A Question…

   ...that’s never asked and I’m sure y’all will know this already.
   And that would be? Well, so, all the political interviews conducted by our TV superstars with one of Starmageddon’s gang invariably have the question regards tax. This question is always answered by stating there are no ‘plans’ to raise taxes and wot they are going to focus on is growth and that’ll give ‘em all the kelly they need for services. Please remember these same political heavyweights are also dedicated, brainwashed advocates of that climate net zero thingy.
   So doesn’t that beg the question as to where the growth will come from when net zero requires/results in the shutting down of most of our remaining large, medium, small, major, minor, manufacturing businesses and others, so have left or will be driven out of the country? Windmill and solar panel  manufacturing?  Do we do that? If so It’ll all be finished once there’s no place left to stick ‘em, right? Assuming they can get the lekky to make ‘em in the first place of course. Let’s not type about transport...
   Anyhoo, simple question I’d like to hear asked is how do you equate growth with net zero especially on sunless, windless daze? No, I haven’t heard nuclear mentioned at all.
Quote;  Oscar Wilde.
“Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.”


A K Haart said...

I bet they equate growth with net zero by inventing a new kind of superior growth called Green Growth which seems similar to that old-fashioned negative growth but in a much more progressive and greener way.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
Nicely summed up. And known by us naughty off message folk as green net zero growth. How very dare we mock those up there that are so much smarter than us eh?
It amazes me that folk down here fall for all this stuff day in, day out.