29 Jun 2024

And Then Nothing…

   ...at all going on where wot we be other than a couple of items wot caught my eye.
   Firstly, I see GB-News has won three prizes for ‘news’ presenters and presentation. I can only assume that those censoring folk at Of-Cough will be absolutely apoplectic eh?
   Secondly, some fellow, allegedly an actor, was caught - or acting? - using nasty racist language regards Rich-boy Sad-sack was it? From the little I’ve heard, he’s, like, an amateur actor so here’s a primer, wot we’ve had before, for him to take a phew more ‘naughty’ words on-board; four point three million views eh?
Timidadians, No clicky, move quickly on to new pastures pure.

Quote; Toni Morrison.

“In this country American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.”

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