26 May 2024

And Then The Vote…

   Well, so the latest hyperventilating seems to be focusing on Starma-gedden promising{?} to give the right to vote to 16 and 17 Year old kids.
   Y’all thought that through yet? Well, here’s my half a brain thoughts.
   Let’s assume Starma-gedden wins and shortly thereafter announces further draconian restrictions on us down here to save the planet. Whoa! No! Shout a goodly number of folk down here. Okay says he, I’m listening to y’all so we’ll hold a referend-a-doodad, okay? Guess wot. The vote is won by those wanting things harder and faster to save the planet. And the vote was swayed how? Why all those kids who’ve spent a goodly amount of their   school time being indoctrinated into the cult of little Greta Thumbalina of course.
   Shortly thereafter he announces his plan to start negotiations regards the UK rejoining the European Union.
   Having another guess? After the kickback from a bunch of us down here another referend-a-doodad is announced as he's still listening to us. It comes to pass and guess wot? It results in another win for them up there owing to the kiddy vote that's been ‘taught’ how bad things have got here since a bunch of nutters voted to leave the EU and how restricted their travel has become with severe restrictions on where they can work and live.
   There’ll be many more tricks tucked up his sleeve I’m sure as there will be a huge kiddy voter base, the product of our modern day education, indoctrination system...

Quote; Oscar Auliq-Ice.

“If you can’t get your targets to vote for a positive vision of the future, convince them to vote against a vision of impending doom.”


Judd said...

Votes for illegals shouldn't be far away.

Sadly the country has to suffer at least one term of Labour, the Tories have self immolated after 14 years of trying to outblair the blair regime and deserve complete destruction as a party.

The country needs the two part system, one on the left and one on the right, the Labour party genuinely holding the interests of the working classes of the country at heart and the Cons actually conserving something.
As it is labour hate the natives and the working class, the tories haven't a conservative to be seen.

The right minded of the country have 5 years to rebuild a genuine conservative movement, if they can't do that in the time frame its all over because demographics.

Mac said...

Votes for illegals shouldn't be far away you say. How many will be 'represented' through fraudulent postal votes eh?