24 Jul 2021

And Then, A Tad Extreme...

   One thing that spell of seasonally warm weather and the populations propensity to cast off their outer garments, is to demonstrate wot seems to be the ever growing popularity of getting tatted. Huge amounts of ink now on display.
   As I’ve said before, even being an old sailor-man, getting a tattoo was never on my must do list. 
   Folk want to paint their bodies? Go ahead, your body, your choice** but remember one thing in these weird times we’re living through. Tatts are done with a pointy needle, right? If the guy doing one for you suddenly says, ‘Woops, sorry, that went a tad deep.’ you may well be getting your tatt from a tatter who’s getting handsomely rewarded to poke the magic co-co elixir into folk. Unlikely? Probably, but... 
   Anyhoo, that was a lead-up to an item I ran into via a link at I remember not where, that shows, of all things, a Brazilian tattoo artist and wot he’s had done to himself. 
   A few things will sprang to mind when you see the pictures; you think he’s overdone it  just a tad? It brings a whole new meaning to the saying, cut off your nose to spite your face. When he was getting help and explaining wot he wanted doing,  you’d think someone would’ve suggested a talk with a mental health advisor first. Finally, he sure didn’t think through that human inconvenience we all suffer from; and that would be? Getting older.  
   Queue this one again. One hundred and forty million plus views? Now that ‘ain't too shabby is it?

**Your body, your choice; please remember this as the pressure gets hotter and ever hotter to go get punctured, okay? And as per the last sentence of the quote below.

Quote; Don Ed Hardy.

“A tattoo is an affirmation; this body is yours to have and to enjoy while you're here. Nobody else can control what you do with it.”

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