9 Jan 2021

And Then Still Swimming...

   Say wot now? Swimming? Not me says I, despite a lifetime working on the water, I never learned to swim as I never intended getting or falling into the water thus I never did. But wot I find myself doing is swimming against the increasingly strong tide of ‘regulations’ relating to wot I can do as opposed to wot I’d like to do that could now be classed as naughty.
   As you’re obviously aware, the media ‘news’ is getting ever more hyper in their drive for everyone to accept, without question, the jab-a-dab-a-do and how evil you’ll be if you decline the chance. You’d think that the penny would’ve dropped amongst those so cleaver folk up there that such relentless ‘advertising’ would eventually cause a goodly number of folk to start questioning why such a wonderous druggy jabby would need 24/7 hyping from all directions.
   Regards the lockup, how long before we’re all ankle-tagged and if we venture further than our ‘allowed’ radius from our homes, we’ll be pinged and an automatic fine deducted from the pinged persons credit card? Note: Dear important person who, however unlikely, may read this; that was a bit of fun and not an idea for further investigation and fine-tuning prior to putting into practice, okay? Anyhoo, folk are so desperate to be ‘connected’ at all times, I’m guessing that, should the idea come about sometime in the not too distant future, they can do it right now should they wish, via folks phones.
   Scary thought is it not? However, should/when it comes to pass, we’ll have ‘accepted’ so many losses to our freedoms that one more loss will pass without an eye being batted.
   Endingly, wot to say about the ‘riotous’, as opposed to last years ‘largely peaceful’, goings-on in the US? We will see over the next four years but I’m betting it ain’t going to be pretty...

Quote;  Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

“I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.”

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