25 Jul 2020

And Then It’s Food Again...

I see those that would rule over us are going to be coming for our food again. Doesn’t seem long ago they told us sugar is as deadly as cyanide now they’re coming for food that’ll be sure to give you a dose of this panda-panic flue thingy as they increase your weight. I blame fat people for this latest erosion of our freedoms. Why don’t those with ‘power’ instruct all fat folk to spend ten minutes, buck naked, in front of a full length mirror every morning? After that, old fashioned concept I know, but it’ll be up to them wot they do about their looks. Cheap, simple solution with no need to mess with the masses.

Or, of course they could go the whole  Covid-1984 hog and just declare muzzles must be worn at all waking times and meals will solely comprise of high vitamin concentrated liquids taken via the pre-fitted muzzle straw? Only Government supplied vitamin concentrated liquids of course, but that’s only common sense. Hell, they could sneak anything into that and thus into us. You WILL be controlled.

Not sure wot we have right now but wot we need is a proper Conservative government. Hell, we’re all easing towards the exit so why won’t ‘they’ just leave us alone to do our best, against all the odds, to enjoy the ride?

Anyhoo, to beat the ban and lest we forget, feast yourselves on this wot’s below. With fries of course. Me, myself and I don’t see muffin wrong with any of this.


Quote;  Zig Ziglar.

“A narrow mind and a fat head invariably come on the same person.”


A K Haart said...

"Why don’t those with ‘power’ instruct all fat folk to spend ten minutes, buck naked, in front of a full length mirror every morning?"

That's good advice although I wouldn't want Boris to show us how it's done.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
Point taken and on reflection, no pun intended, I withdraw that suggestion as if it was put forward, the way we are these days, the 'news' would be full of fat folk showing off on Look-At-Me'dia.