9 May 2020

And Then More Guidance...

Well, so, some businesses and schools could be opened again. Some shops could be allowed to open again. And what happens? Various chairpersons of confederations of this, that or the other, or the union for this, that or the other, popup all over the place saying their ‘members are desperate for more guidance’.

If you’re a wage earner dependant on a business owner who’s looking and his businesses financial spreadsheets every evening and and watching the do-do getting deeper then got the whisper that you could be allowed to open-up again, would you be worried about ‘further guidance’?

Guidance?  Do they not see wot’s been going on all these weeks? Do all you can to keep in place wot’s wot when open and get the hell on with it.

Schools? If you’re considered bright enough to prepare our kids for adult life, surely you’re bright enough to figure out the occasional problem you’re faced with. Need guidance? Wot sort of example is that showing the kids?  As said before by my little nest of vipers; if all these folk always need their hands held, they’ll never learn to walk on their own.    


Quote;  Thomas H. Huxley.

“Surely there is a time to submit to guidance and a time to take one's own way at all hazards.”

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