7 Oct 2016

And Then We May Get Gas...

So Savage Javid has given the thumbs-up to Cuadrilla to get going, after six years, to drill and frack for gas in Lancashire.

You think that’s it? Not at all and as I’m sure Cuadrilla will be only too aware all the usual suspects are about to crawl out of the undergrowth;  environmentalists – and how apt is the last part of that name then – greens, led by that perpetually gurning Caroline Lacklustre woman and any and all professional protesters who’ll rally to any cause that demands the banning of something; anything as long as it involves tents, a campfire singing-along, lashing and lashings of tofu and a dose of arm-linked. slogan chanting confrontation with authority. And a chance of getting on TV of course; but that’s only common sense. They’ll all be ‘planning’ to do all in their ‘power’ to stop, or at a minimum, disrupt the company going about their legal business. Sadly, for the most part ably assisted by those boys in blue who, in these situations, seem to be at a loss to understand which ‘side’ they should be on.

This gives me an excuse to re-post a post I posted some time ago relating to similar to that wot’s about to take place on these drill sites. However, I do hope that Cuadrilla upper management take holidays, turn off their phones etcetera, and let the guys on-site take care of any attempted disruption to operations. The police also need to be elsewhere as well. 

Quote;  Dave Barry.

"Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer."

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