28 Oct 2024

And Then An Old Tax Plan…

   May I humbly post this again prior to that big budget day in the forlorn hope those wot would rule over us see it and give it a moments thought. Yeah, right.
   While visiting another dimension earlier today, I thought of a cunning plan. A cunning and childish plan. So childish be the cunning plan that it may well baffle the boys and girls of the Lower Sixth.
    What do those above us continually tell us lot down her? The fact that school children have no wish to learn. Our workers have no wish to advance. Our benefits system is so generous nobody wants to 'put out' to 'get on'.
So lets simplify things by having just two tax rates, say 15% and 30%. The object of the game would then be to get a job and really put out and fight for promotion so's to break through the high tax bracket.
   'Wot?' I hear you say, 'Who wants to work hard just to pay more tax?' Answer? Nobody, and therein lies the rub of this cunning plan. A total reverse of the system, see? Because it'll be the low paid wot pay 30% tax!! Study, work hard and fight for advancement to get that rise and get to keep more of your money as your income increases and you break into the 15% tax bracket.
   There you have it; now that's what I call rewarding effort with an incentive to achieve and keep on achieving so you don't risk getting bumped back to the 30% zone.
Kids studying like fury to get all the knowledge and good sustificates, I say again, good sustificates, they can to give themselves the best chance out there in wonderland and minimise their time paying 30% Tax.
   Workers giving it their all to win promotion or working all the overtime there is to break into the 15% tax bracket thus getting to keep more of their money to spend on stuff. Stuff that needs to be built or made, creating more openings and overtime for other people building and making stuff, creating more people in the 15% bracket giving them more money to spend on stuff, creating ever more demand, creating ever more openings and overtime for stuff builders and makers. Win, win, win out here in the world while our educational standards reach dizzying heights of excellence. And the dizzying amount ‘spent’ on unemployment benefits reduces to mere buttons.
    Told you it was a tad childish.
Hay, let’s call it the Laughable Curve...

Quote; Chris Rock.

“You don’t pay taxes; they take taxes.”

24 Oct 2024

And Then Still Here…

   ...just passing the days with ever mounting excitement as we edge ever closer to budget day and we’ll all discover how far into our pockets them wot would rule over us are going to stuff their hands this time.
   In other ‘news’ I see one time use vaping thingies will become illegal to sell next year. The reason being kids are buying ‘em and also the litter side of things. I do believe they’re not to be sold to kids already and regards the littering, well, see post regards school kids litter picking.
   Funnily, it seems it’ll still be legal to import ‘em but illegal to sell ‘em. Not sure how that works.
   Anyhoo it’s just one more thing folk enjoy wot must be banned and I do believe there’s a motion{?} moving through parliament that could be passed into law soon that’ll make it illegal to smile in public..
   Wot the hay, enjoy the ride;


Quote; Will Rogers.

“The minute you read something that you can't understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn up by a lawyer.”

12 Oct 2024

And Then Aother Repeat…

   I see an old idea from above has resurfaced. And that would be the idea that kids should run every day to tackle obesity. Now there’s a school near us and, as I’ve typed before, chubby kids are very phew and far between. Mummies on the other hand...
   Anyhoo, it reminded me of yet another old post wot I repeat here. Bear in mind how many schools there are throughout the land and wot the result could be:
It seems there’s this thing being put about that all school kids should run a mile a day owing to them being obese. I have what I believe would be a far better idea and if you live anywhere near a school I do believe you’ll be in favour.
   Sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. On a daily class by class rotor, arm the little treasures with a bag and send them out, rain or shine, collecting litter along the streets neighbouring their school for a couple of hours. Say wot? Give them one of they grabby, picky-up stick thingies? Absolutely not. Make ‘em walk, stop, bend, straighten up, walk, stop, bend...
   This would achieve many important aims. It’d go towards keeping ‘em fit, clean the neighbourhood – hell, most of the litter was dropped by the little treasures in the first place – and thus instil a little civic respect and pride into their iPhone shaped heads.
   As an added plus, council street cleaners could concentrate resources to other, high traffic areas.
   No, it’s not just kids that drop litter but adopt the above idea and as the little dears grow-up and leave school, they will fully understand, respect and automatically obey the simple ‘rule’ of using the many provided trash cans or to take their trash home. JD.

   Let’s finish with an old choon. How to play a double bass...

Quote; Joey Adams.

“If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all.”