20 Jul 2024

And Then An Update…

   And that would be a third party update that, it seems, unplugged the World from the Interweb. It seems this little update only effected Billy at the Window kit and I must say it’s nice to see Billy suffering wot he occasionally inflicts on us down here with his fiddling.
   Is it something to do with that cloud thingy? I must say I’ve never understood why folk would elect to keep so much sensitive and personal information on a cloud. Just one naughty rainy day and all that info could pour down to naughty folks kit could it not?
   It should also be a wakeup call to those wot would rule over us regards going cashless and demanding digital I.D. Cards an’ such. Remember so many folk saying wot could possibly go wrong? A couple of daze ago should be a clue eh?
   Anyhoo, on a sad note, I’m sure y’all will join with me in wishing Head Rambles the very best wishes for a happy outcome regards his upcoming medical procedure. Good luck to you.
Finally, via a comment on Going Postal, I ran into this old number. Man, that took me back. You old enough to remember that? The commenters note ‘linked’ it to the ongoing palaver regards ol’ Joe be-gone over the water.

Quote; Edsger Dijkstra.

“If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.”


Anonymous said...

I'd like to add my good wishes to yours for Grandad and his family.

I remember that song well. And the B side :) My grandmother used to sing it in a voice akin to Hilda Ogden whilst she went about her chores. A wonder to behold!


Mac said...

Anonymous Waif,
Yes, hard times for Grandad but I'm sure he will pull through.
That song sure stired many a memory in my old head as well.