13 Mar 2022

And Then, Welcome...

   I have to say the longer that ‘war’ goes on over there and the more I watch the reports put out by our seekers of truth in the media, the more confused I become. Is this a real war or a huge dramatic TV show? If it’s just a TV show, it seems geared-up to preparing the unwary viewers for various population relocations from poorer places to richer{?} European places.
   Along with that, I hear that anyone taking in ‘fleeing’ U-Krankies will be given three hundred and fifty pounds a month. That could well be an open invitation to every hook, crook and comic singer in the land with a garden shed or leaky attic could it not?
   On the plus side, I’m sure they’re ‘on the run’ with all their savings, however meagre…
   Anyhoo, us tin hatted cladded clowns can also foresee a down side to this cunning plan. You’re living in a house with one or two or possibly more unused bedrooms? You haven’t fallen for the hype and haven’t provided some war dodgers with digs? Prepare yourself for a major increase in your council tax. Pardon? Oh, I don’t know; let’s call it a bedroom tax. Of course that’ll never happen will it. Will it? Well? Will it?
   Finally, Mr Bojangles made an impassioned speech recently when he stated something along the lines of the free world won’t put up with the goings on of Vlad the Lad. I have just one question for our tussle haired leader: This free world of which you spoke? Is it hiding nearby, or is it in a galaxy far, far away?

Quote; Mickey Mouse.

“Now I wanna remind everyone of the House of Mouse rules: No smoking, no villainous schemes and no guests eating other guests.”


  1. Mac,
    They can have my spare room. I'll just not do any work on it and frankly it would be more comfortable to kip on the street. Added to that, knock one wall down and voilla! A 1 bedroom house. Make no mistake, if my property ever gets confiscated I'll make damn sure it needs to be demolished and rebuilt before I move out.

  2. Ripper,
    They can do what they want; no way will I ever become a me, me, me! Look at me! I want some!!

  3. Mac,
    Same attitude here, but if we ever get to the point where the Schwabby guy has taken over, and we own nothing and have to be happy, yes, they can have my property but it won't be any use to them. If I hit the right spots I can bring down the adjoining houses with it. Then what will they do? They can't make me pay because by then I'll own nothing and be extremely happy because they'll never find me either.

  4. Ripper,
    Same here. As the song goes, 'They can't take what I 'aint got.'
    And, as you say, they'll have to find you first. And we still have ore bolt hole in a village in a land far, far, far away...

  5. Mac,
    Well, that didn't take long. It seems to have just appeared on our doorstep.


  6. Might just head over there and flee the place.

  7. Ripper,
    Seems in these modern days every recent past conspiracy theory comes to pass. Remember I suggested money will soon be confiscated for the greater good and we'll all be issued with a state card with a monthly allowance to cover essentials? It could be too late, but I wish I'd kept that idea to myself as I'm more sure someone 'up there' reads this site and confuses fun for good ideas...

  8. Mr Higham,
    We consider it more with each passing day.
    How did the old saying go? Expats return to England as they get older to be near the NHS and to watch good programs on the TV. Man, that must've been written a hell of a long time ago.
