15 Mar 2022

And Then, Another Format...

   Further to the fun, previously posted, I had with jpg files in Bully 11, yesterday I encountered a similar problem with a video format and my viewer of choice.
   Just the same, Settings show no sign of the WMV format.
   After a little fumbling, I took a chance and in Apps I found Films & TV so I click on the right side menu buttons, opened Advanced Options, scrolled down and clicked on Reset. I then went back to Default Apps, clicked on Film & TV, scrolled down and - boom! - WMV was there so I click that app, another one of Bully Billies, and selected my viewer of choice from the drop-down and, again for me, it worked. And right clicking a video icon activated the drop down with Always Use... at the bottom just like the old days. Again, that was missing for WMV video viewing before the reset.
   Sorry Bully Billy but it seems I beat you again. Fear not, I’m sure you’ll have your day sometime soon.

Quote; Bill Bryson.

“A computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are, in short, a perfect match.”


  1. Mac,
    WMV, WMA and BMP have all but disappeared now. I find that almost all video I download is in MP4, music in MP3 and graphics in JPG or PNG. Therefore I keep things tidy by only using those formats for anything I want to keep or output. Very rarely someone will send me a MOV video, and admittedly I can play it with the default player, but if its one to keep I have the FFmpeg libraries installed to convert it. I've got into doing this because of the way I play movies on my TV without any box. The TV's built in media player is restricted to a couple of popular file types.

    FFmpeg is a command line tool, there is a GUI program which runs on top of it called Format Factory, but its quicker/easier for me just to open a CMD window and type a command.

    When a mate of mine needs help, he's sent me some pretty obscure file types, from security cams or CAD programs, asking me to batch convert whole folders containing 300+ files. Its been no problem as yet.

  2. Ripper,
    These were very old video format I used back in the day when I retired and was asked to put together a rig moving course. I was just having a walk down memory lane looking at some of the videos I used. Rediscovered some cracking vids.
    Format Factory? Man, I'd forgotten that one. I used it for years. Good bit o' kit.

  3. Mac,
    I used to enjoy making the odd video, until Billy decided to get rid of windows movie maker. It reappeared somewhat buried in the W10 picture viewer (or something) but nowhere near as usable. Don't know if they improved it for W11 or its gone again. There are much better programs for making movies but nothing seemed to beat movie maker for animating and annotating sets of photos with transitions and music, more like a slide show. I've looked for an alternative but even the most advanced video editors seem to have problems with slide shows.

    Movie maker's output was restricted to WMV only, and that led me to running Format Factory for a few years. Its an ace piece of kit for convenience but basically just a graphical user interface that issues commands and parameters to FFmpeg, which does all the heavy lifting.

  4. Ripper,
    It's still here on Billy 11. Same thing, it's tucked away in Photo. When you get there, although I haven't used at this time, it looks nowhere near as friendly and usable as the old movie maker.
    It seems to be a thing now that all software comes with black backgrounds. And why they insist on butchering good, usable programs is a mystery.
    You can still download Win Movie Maker but not from Microsoft so that could prove a tad iffy. In fact Microsoft advise these downloads.
    Billy recommends something called Clipchamp which, it says, comes pre-installed on 11 but not on mine... I haven't tried it yet.

